Learn the basics of the Stamparatus for a Great Foundation, and then build upon that with FIVE Stamparatus Techniques
What's Included:
Is this a one time charge? One time, nothing more.
Are the supplies included in this class? No. This is an online experience, nothing will be mailed to you. Simply enjoy the learnings and videos, or use the cutting measurements supplied to re-create the projects using your stash!
Where do I buy the Stamparatus? You can find all the materials used in this class (provided they are still current) in my online shop.
When I buy this class, do I get all of your classes? Each class is sold separately. However, each class will be on this one site, so you will just have one log in for each you purchase.
Five Technique sheets, each detailing the technique step-by-step, along with tips and variatiations
Five Project Sheets, complete with supplies and measurements
Over an 1 Hour Of Video Tutorials From Start to Finish
Basics Video to create a good foundation before we jump in
5 Cards: Each unique from each other, with variety of different techniques